
Is the theory of gravity just a "theory"?

Should space exploration be privatized?

How to view the file that Facebook has on you

Another thought on infinity from the perspective of overall universal charge being a Zero/Infinite Equivalence

A Virtual Tour Around The Cosmic Web & Nearby Galaxy Clusters

Documents the US public can now access under the Freedom Of Information Act, are here:

Alternatives to group think and consensus reality

How to prove the Earth is not flat, for yourself, using the Internet and a friend and mathematics.

The Many Faces Of Matter

... Infinity...

I'm taking a stab at explaining Quantum Mechanics, Time & LightSpeed in laymans terms, as a Layperson.... In one post!

Sky Censorship

The Elephant In The Room With mass Shootings

Regime Change 101 in a meme.

NewsWeak Update: Newsweek Update